The Groose Unpacked – So Feiert Nintendo den Launch von The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD – ntower

Today is the big release day of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Certainly some of you are wandering in the treasures of the cloud or in the air above the clouds. After sharing several trailers in the past few days, Nintendo has a short demo on the occasion of today’s release launch trailer uploaded, which you can view here:

Although he is not a major character, he is well known in the Nintendo community: still, the frenzied rival of Link from the School of Knights, who sets his sights on Princess Zelda. Eccentric with a red mohawk is called in English Gross And the meme says loose groove Nintendo is also using it to highlight Bado in a thread of tweets on this launch day:

Don’t have enough Groose news yet? Then one closes you Gross Gang And the!

On the other hand, Nintendo’s German social media department handled the day easily and shared it to celebrate this day Edit the photo:

Even the official Twitter account too Super Smash Bros. Game Ultimate The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword praised, among other things, the hilarious image in which Falco represents the cloud bird, jumping on the link after Zelda gives him a slight nudge:

In the game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate the cloud hoard as the stage, the Ghirahim as the auxiliary cup and the beetle and the magic pitcher are represented as items from the Skyward Sword, as you can see in the images above.

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Finally, you can check here Shorts on YouTube for Princess Zelda Released by Nintendo yesterday:

If you need a little help or advice on assembly, feel free to read what we’ve got Brand New Manual To The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD.

Are you a fan of Badoo? And what are your first impressions of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD?

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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