“Fill in the blanks. Approaches a complete human gene”: is the title of the magazine’s new cover ScienceHe announces after a long search 21 yearsThe Completion of the map Of Human gene. An invention that facilitates progress Customized medicine And activate Diagnosis of diseases It is undetectable until. Move forward, thanks for the new discoveries Demographic genetics And possibly “Rewrite the DNA“.” We see Chapters Which are not Never In the states Beds Before, ”the researchers explained. In detail, about it 200 million There are letters equivalent to the amount of information on a chromosome: “It was like having a map of New York without Manhattan,” they said in parallel.
Research had already set a goal of completing the “DNA Glossary” in 2001, but many of the computers of the time gave up.White spaces“: They could not understand all the passages, leaving similar gaps about it8% of the gene. These gaps are now filled because of the work done by the so-called International Federation Telomere-to-telomere (T2T): By new methods DNA sequencing And Computational analysisHuman DNA can be read from beginning to end Without interruptions.
“It’s like having one Vocabulary DNA “, said Giuseppe Novelli, a geneticist at the University of Rome’s Dor Vergada. National Institute of Standards and Technology (Nist), Justin Juke, a prototype comparison of the invention, said, “If getting a DNA sequence is like putting a jigsaw together, the reference gene keeps a picture of the finished puzzle in the box: it helps you put the pieces together.”
The new “DNA book” announced by the researchers is nonsense: in fact, a kind of “automatic correction” was used in the analysis. Morphine It analyzes rows and fixes errors. The results of the study are available in six articles Special Magazine Science Dedicated.
A special section in this week’s science journal presents Telomere-to-Telomere research.# T2T) The Federation has completed the challenge of 8% of the human genome left unresolved by the early human genome program.
read more: https://t.co/aCBIarMm7u pic.twitter.com/8KYA4RDnPw
– Science Magazine (cienceScienceMagazine) March 31, 2022