The mobile customs brigade crackdown to attempt corruption

On March 17th, the mobile customs brigade advanced towards Tokra, seizing livestock, medical products, and hemp balls.

The head of the Mobile Customs Division, Salih Abakar al-Nur, said that his devices had intercepted a fraudulent convoy of 131 cattle. Two days later, six alleged fraudsters attempted to move 118 heads of cattle again. During their arrest, they attempted to bribe the mobile customs patrol team by paying 2.5 million CFA francs.

Customs law stipulates that beef is fused at 10400 Fcfa. The customs mobile brigade considers this a heavy loss. “Fraud is a serious crime, and the roving customs officers have taken an oath to thwart any fraudulent act with the support of the higher authorities and the Director General of Customs.”Saleh said the earliest light.

The mobile customs brigade was provided with equipment and personnel to accomplish its mission. The brigade chief salutes the work done by his members who “watch day and night to ward off fraud.” Saleh Abkar al-Nur urges to do more.

With regard to medical preparations and medicines, the chief of the customs mobile brigade mentions that they are harmful to health. Residents are required to cooperate with customs to put an end to the fraud that is gangrene to develop.

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Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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