The mod allows you to pause the game on the computer, but with the limit –

Elton Ring, While offering many new features, it has a deep soul and brings many features of the previous Miyazaki games. One of them is non-stop. But now one thing mod Allows you to solve the problem by inserting a function PauseBut accepting a compromise.

Let’s talk about TechieW’s “Pause the Game” mode, Available on NexusMods. As you can guess from the name it does nothing but enable a complete pause of the game. For how, it’s easy: Press the P key on your keyboard.

Some enemies of the Elton Ring
Some enemies of the Elton Ring

However, there are some Limitations. First, the Easy-Anti Cheat system detects that the mode is a cheat, so you need to disable the program to use it, and as a result you have to play offline. Motor also explains that if for some reason the Elton Ring mode and anti-cheat are activated, nothing bad will happen: the mod simply will not start, so there is no risk in his opinion.

The “Technical problem The main thing is that as soon as the pause is deactivated, the Elton ring goes a moment faster than normal, a kind of “fast forward” (words of the motor): so it is important not to activate the pause. Strike the enemy because when returning you risk not being in control of the character for a moment longer.

Instructions on how to use the mod are all on the NexusMods page. Tell us, what do you think about the possibility of suspension in the Elton Ring? Are you interested? If you think the game is hard anyway, you should know that Miyazaki has apologized to anyone who was frustrated by the difficulty of the game.

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Veronica Tucker

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