The new episode of Saga is available-

From Technical draft

After a big event on the night of December 4th to 5th, gamers around the world woke up with a nasty surprise: offline servers and login issues. Incompetence decreases from 4 p.m.

The event took place from December 4th to 5th Completion of Final Chapter 2 Fortnight, The most popular cult video game for many gamers around the world. On Sunday morning There have been reports of problems for those seeking access Video game, Increasing until the afternoon. However, finally, at about 16 the stop seems to have been resolved. At the same time that Saga’s Chapter 3 was launched worldwide.

Error 404 was shown on many gamers’ monitors, making it impossible for others to connect or continue their session after the update. The Epic Game Production Company Its official channels did not give any news on the matter In fact, the servers were marked as 100% working. In the afternoon, everything gradually returned to normal, as evidenced by the news that appeared online from video game fans. On the Fortnite Facebook account, he appeared just after 9am on Sunday, December 5th Image of an island with the words #fortniteflipped. The servers may have been upgraded to allow Cameras to play Chapter 3 smoothly (at the same time increasing the wait for the news to come out).

On social media, throughout the first half of the day, hundreds of posts talk about these issues, but Chapter 3 of Season 1 progresses, Preview details have been released due to leak. On Twitter l’hashtag # fortnitechapter3 It has been trending for hours and you can already see pictures of the characters (confirmed by The Rock and Spiderman on new faces), skins and stickers all cameramen can use. Another hashtag has also become trendy # Fortnightleek, Hundreds of tweets showing photos of parts found in the video game.

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Below are some of the lucky ones, As the polygon site writes, They only showed one screen when entering the game: Your own character floats in the middle of the ocean, A warning states that the server could not load the next scene. The same film that ended the live broadcast of the end of Chapter Two.

December 5, 2021 (Change December 5, 2021 | 17:14)

Veronica Tucker

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