The new version of the most popular game makes it more complicated

If you like Wordle, you must try this new version with accents. Can you guess the word of the day?

Wordle is one of the popular games, a title that has arrived Connect multiple users After the early days of popularity. This game was so popular Inspired the creation of other games Similar mechanics, like the Worldle we already recommended if you like geography.

Surprise jumped this week with the launch of Wordle with accents, where you should explain how you control this spelling signal. This new version also hides Daniel FRG and the goal is the same: Guess the password every day In only six attempts. If plain Wordle seems simple to you, try this game more complicated.

Wordle with accents, the new version of the most popular word game

mobile word game

Wordle is replenished with a new item: the tilde.

Wordle was a real popular phenomenon a few weeks ago. There were many users who Share their results on social networks like TwitterWho were looking for other options to play several times in the same day, and why not, who used some tricks to guess the word of the day with yes or yes.

Wordle’s popularity led to the emergence of The birth of other games with similar mechanics from different fields of knowledge. For example, there is a Wordle for geography and another for science and even football. However, in this case, we would like to inform you that a long-awaited version has arrived: Wordle with accents.

You may not have noticed, but the original Wordle had no accented words. in this way, Guessing the daily riddle was a little easier, because there were fewer things to think about. If you want to take on a new daily challenge, just enter Wordle in highlight mode to try to guess the word in question.

Wordle with accents

Wordle with accents has the same original interface.

The process is the same: you have six attempts to find the solution. However, the words May be longer than the usual five characters. Also, the letters that go to the correct place will appear green colorThose that are in the word, but are not there, will appear in the yellow color Finally, those who are not at the last word will appear ashen.

if you want Switch between different game modes for WordleJust click on the name of the game at the top. If you’ve already analyzed Wordle today, give this version of accents a chance to show you’re the best even if circumstances change. As always, you can play from Mobile, from computer or tablet.

Related topics: games

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