On the occasion of Season 2 of CoD Mobile, Modern Warfare players’ well-known shipping map will appear.
With CoD Mobile nearing the end of Season 1, Season 2 prepares with its share of new features. While we already know that two new weapons will be coming to CoD Mobile soon, a new map has just been announced. Although the first leaks revealed in July 2020 that the shipment was coming to CoD Mobile, it was finally decided by the developers to add it. You guessed it … and it’s coming! 📦🆕 New multiplayer map, the shipment is on its transit path and is up #CODMobile As part of the second season! pic.twitter.com/XMiUEBHh3i – Call of Duty: Mobile (PlayCODMobile) March 5, 2021 Whether you are new to the franchise or an seasoned gamer, you’ve likely played a game on Shipment before. First released in 2007 in Modern Warfare, this map quickly became one of the most popular maps in the game. While the original Shipment Edition was set in a grim mountain scenery, the new 2019 Edition has tilted towards a more industrial setting. The shipment version that CoD Mobile will pick up is expected to be the last. The shipment is one of the smallest maps in Call of Duty history. Being one of the smallest maps available, charging service may only be available in certain modes on CoD Mobile. However, the exact date this card was issued has not been determined. With so many new things planned for the second season of the game, some things are likely to happen during the season. Either way, the first season of CoD Mobile is set to end on Wednesday, March 10. So you won’t have to wait long to see this popular map make it to the game. “Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert.”