The small unmanned drone that is weathering storms

The Bug Nano Drone weighs less than many smartphones, withstands winds of more than 80 km / h and has a range of 2 km, which are reasons that convinced the British Army to test it.

Medium and large sized ones are more popular among those looking for entertainment or unpublished photos, while the Small drones They are the object of the world’s intelligence desire. A demonstration comes fromthe British army, Which tests 30 units of Drone nano bug Developed in collaboration by Yaftek e Bay systems (With the latter company from Gloucestershire specializing in building small remotely piloted aircraft, which is why it really caught the attention of the Armed Forces in the Queen’s service). Ideal for reconnaissance, surveillance and control missions in any type of environment, the Bug Drone weighs less than many smartphones (196 grams) and The flight withstands even with gusts of up to 45 knots.

With a range of 2 km and autonomy of about 40 minutes, it flies at a speed of 80 km / h and the innovators are adding some sensors to combine it with other tools in military equipment. From visuals to tactical, possibly vital information about what’s hidden in the surrounding territory, even with unfavorable weather conditions in particular, the Bug Nano Drone can provide Valid help In real time, to facilitate tasks and keep users safe. But not only that, because videos can also allow those leading operations remotely to have a greater awareness of the choices they have to make.

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Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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