The WhatsApp trick of sending you messages is changing your life

The WhatsApp screen can be the site that sees us right before our eyes several times a day. There are all our conversations, our friends, our photos and so on. Because at this point it should not be turned into a more useful and complete place where we can write what needs to be done, take notes, write important dates and phrases.

How do you do that? This is not a difficult thing, really. The secret is to text yourself. It may seem like a very strange habit, but you will soon find out that it is actually very convenient and effective.

Young women using a portable information device on a white background

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The first thing to do to accomplish this trick is to involve a close friend or family member. Let him know that he will be joining a group with you in a few seconds. But only for a few seconds.

Then create a WhatsApp group with close contact (but only to avoid bad feedback) and then, immediately, exit it. Now you are alone in a group where you are alone (what a loneliness). Everything you write in this group will only come to you and become a kind of personal notebook. Then give the group a specific name: “Notes”, “Things to remember”, “Me and me”, Chat in private, and so on.

The last piece of advice I can give you is that if you fit this chat higher than others, it will always be at your fingertips with your notes.

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Veronica Tucker

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