The word “meta” in the name? Then Meta can stop you!

Whether it’s Metaverse or Metalab: Anyone with “Meta” in their name is at risk of getting banned on Facebook and Instagram.

Let’s be honest: Creative minds didn’t quite flip with the Facebook company’s rebranding to Meta, because “Meta,” Greek for “next level,” is so common. Now, however, Zuckerberg appears to be making the word his own, at least on his platforms — and banning users with the word “meta” in their name.

But that’s not all, because Meta as a name has another use for the company: Mark Zuckerberg has declared that he wants to create a “Metaverse” that should revolutionize virtual reality, and does not at all fit the term “Metaverse”, which is also a common term for parallel worlds in popular culture, Others use it on their platforms.

Instagram user became the first victim

Just five days after the company changed its name from Facebook to Meta, Thea-Mai Baumann was able to feel the consequences of the name she chose in 2012: her Instagram account by name @ metaverse handle It was mentioned. Rationale: She would have pretended to be a different person.

Like The New York Times And Ars Technica According to the report, Thea Mae Baumann has documented her life in Brisbane on Instagram, where she studied art, and her trips to Shanghai, where she founded augmented reality company Metaverse Makeovers.

Soon after the rebranding, Bowman received several offers from strangers who wanted to buy her account. One wrote “You are now a millionaire”, and another warned “Facebook will not buy it, they will take it” – which also happened on the 2nd of November, she can no longer log into Instagram.

After a complaint to Meta about the ban, she got her account back. The New York Times followed, but only learned from Meta that the account was “mistakenly banned due to imitation”, but they did not know who exactly she was impersonating through her account.

The next ban came from a Vienna woman

Katja Krueger Schuller was the owner of the Instagram account Tweet embed. The focus is on Cannes because her account was also banned on the grounds that she was pretending to be someone else.

on the site Metaware Vienna And in her store she was showing “Gifts for nerds and geeks(Author’s note: I have to go back to Vienna!), She uses her Instagram account to contact artists.

Although she went the official way, even uploading a copy of her ID, there has been no reaction from Meta or Instagram yet. the page the future Ms. Krueger Schuller supports her efforts to recover her account, but Meta has not responded to repeated inquiries.

“Meta” accounts are worried

the account metallab_lex des Wiener Hackerspace Metallab It’s still there, but account operator Oliver Suchanek wants to be noisy the future Keep a close eye on what happens to the many other accounts on Instagram that have the word “meta” in their names.

Maria Pflug-Hofmayr, Advertising Agency Owner metaphysics eU predicted the whole thing: She hasn’t used her Facebook account for some time and warns against relying on Meta and its platforms. Current events clearly show that your decision to go directly to your own page was the right one.

See also  But what are these virtual worlds of the new generation?

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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