This antivirus app contains malware that can collect your banking details

App Store robot It may not be as secure as users had hoped. according to NCCCyber ​​Security Research Group, A Antivirus app Contains dangerous malware reports lemon juice.

This app, Antivirus Super Cleaner, carries SharkBot, a highly effective Trojan that can, among other things, unload Bank account the victims. This malware is present in a mild form upon download Application. Then it is updated directly on the smartphone to reach its final form and start working.

Find out before downloading the app

In addition to bank data recovery, SharkBot can also eventually control all the features of the target phone. If you recently downloaded Antivirus Super Cleaner, it is recommended to remove the application and restore a file smart phone.

The fake antivirus has already been removed from Play Store, but has already been downloaded thousands of times before, NCC Alert. Researchers at cyber securityI recommend doing some research on an app before downloading it, even if it’s available on an official store.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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