KFConsole will keep your pre-fried chicken hot while you play video games.
It should not be more than this Sony’s PlayStation 5 And Microsoft’s Xbox Series X., Fast food restaurant chain KFC (formerly known as Kentucky Fried Chicken) has introduced its own gaming console. Not really. This time they mean it.
In June, a day later PlayStation 5 reveals, KFC Posted by a The video shows its new KFConsole On social media, he said the gadget is “fitted with chicken room” featuring a red-hot grill.
At the time it was a funny joke (you never know, you couldn’t fry or roast chicken inside a gaming console), but now KFC has made it clear that its gaming console is actually real. But the trick is, it keeps the pre-prepared KFC chicken hot. There is no grill or deep fryer inside the KFConsole, but it is a real gaming console with an Intel Knug 9 minicomputer and a replaceable GPU slot.
Intel PR Representative Mark Walton New Chicken Warming KFConsole posted on Twitter On Tuesday, KFConsole assures confused gamers that it is real and not a scam. Officer The KFC Gaming Twitter account also released a new video Tuesday shows the chicken warming room.
“Yes, this is real,” Walton tweeted. “Yeah, it’s powered by Intel. Yeah, it’s a chicken hot.” Walton also revealed it Behind the unusual console is the Cooler Master.
“KFConsole has arrived,” according to Cooler Master’s website. “Built from the fire of KFC stoves and built from the ground up by the Cooler Master, there has never been a tastier way to enjoy the latest headlines on the stunning 4K, 240 FBS.”
KFConsole VR is ready and supports radiation trajectory. Cooler Master added that KFConsole “offers smooth and fluid high-frame-rate gameplay of up to 240fps for all games, and supports 240Hz output on 4k displays.”
But the real game-changer (so to speak) is KFConsole’s Chicken Chamber, where you can put pre-prepared chicken to stay warm while you play.
“Don’t let your chicken cool down again thanks to the patented chicken chamber,” says the Cooler Master’s explanation. “Using the system’s natural heat and ventilation system you can now focus on your game and enjoy hot, crispy chicken between rounds.”
So far, KFC has not released any information that players can get their hands on on the KFC console. So, if you are a KFC fan, it is not so low in its release. KFC, Intel and Cooler did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
In 2019, KFC released the original game I Love You Colonel Sanders Dating Simulator Game, Which was launched on steam; And promotes KFC players Create KFC creations in Minecraft Share them.
KFC has pulled other wall marketing stunts, including one wall KFC Fried Chicken Computer Keyboard Complete with a chicken drumstick mouse, KFC Roasted Chicken-flavored sunscreen, KFC Nail Polish Tastes like fried chicken KFC Crocs shoes This year.
Most recently, KFC announced the creation of a minimov for a lifetime channel called A Recipe for Seduction starring the actor. Mario Lopez plays an attractive Colonel Sanders.
Originally released on June 14, 2020. Updated with information about the actual KFC gaming console that keeps cooked chicken hot.
“Beer practitioner. Pop culture maven. Problem solver. Proud social media geek. Total coffee enthusiast. Hipster-friendly tv fan. Creator.”