Three tools for a smart office

Who said that an office that hosts us for work and pleasure in a large part of our offices can’t have a touch of smart personalization? No one probably said it, because below you’ll find my three suggestions for customizing your work and/or your play station!

Introduction There are so many possibilities in customizing the office that three proposals are few and I wouldn’t be able to cover thousands more in one article. We’ll choose three to start, then leave room for others in the subsequent intimate notes on these pages. So let’s start quietly, but without diminishing the healthy craziness.

Widow Table Vacuum Cleaner 205

Widow 205

That’s right, you read this right, I didn’t lose my mind and I really advise you to take a corner of your desk and devote it to this tool. because? A simple and tidy workstation is a productive workstation!

Now that we’ve made Boomer commercial, we can be concrete and we all think that might not be the case. But surely work, play, study and in any case use a workstation free of crumbs, bits of graphite mixed with sticks and in the most sinister cases of organic crumbs with more or less fat, this peculiar tool helps us maintain a certain rule on the table.

Available on for 10€

Monitoring support

Sturdy monitor stand, with a capacity of up to 45kg, is ready to support the weight of your 16ct monitor with a practical drawer for storing pens and papers; There is also mobile phone support.

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In general, the tactile and usable space on the desk is restored, the organization of the same is improved and the back will thank you for getting a better position also due to the elevated position of the monitor.

A classic, even quite evident in the proposals but evergreen.

Available on for €35

Eureka! magnetic brewing lamp

The ultimate solution to assert superiority in the office, no one will be able to doubt the fact that you are bright, full of ideas and an exceptional light bulb to keep you company.

Propositions with magnetic fermentation are thrown, full of twisted globes, no-sail moons and rotating RGB UFOs;
But if I had to choose what to put on the desk, and were to choose a similar gadget, I would have no doubts.

So just turn it on and shout ureka! (I never said I’m a man Normal)

Available on for €110 (pattern costs)

Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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