Erfurt / Freiberg (dpa / th) – All district fire brigades in Thuringia will be equipped with tablet computers and a linked app – the Thuringian Fire Team app – at the start of 2022. The Home Office in Erfurt announced Wednesday that funds for 1,750 tablets have been put in place In the budget and the development of the app was agreed with the Technical University of Bergakademie Freiberg. The Thuringian Fire Team app is a further development of the app version that has been in use in Saxony since 2015.
Using the app, fire brigades can, among other things, access data sheets of cars if they are involved in accidents. This warns emergency services of danger points and clarifies the interfaces that must begin when rescuing people from deformed objects. According to the information, the application is of particular importance when dealing with electric cars, because the batteries installed there pose special risks to rescue workers.
In addition, other functions will be integrated into the application. In the event of accidents with hazardous materials, it should be possible, for example, to recall the relevant information from the database in order to initiate appropriate measures to avoid the danger. To do this, firefighters should only take pictures of dangerous goods signs on vehicles in order to obtain the necessary information.
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