Twitz streamer 4 and ends the game blindly in half an hour –

Sequoia shadows die twice It’s a great game, different from previous softwares titles and highly appreciated by fans for this reason. Even today, as we wait for the Elton Ring, players are trying their hand at various companies with Miyazaki’s mission. Mitris, Streamer Traction, He finished in sura 4 and a half hours and finished the game in a little more time. Uniqueness? She did Blindly.

As you can see in the clip at the beginning of the message, Twitch Streamer finished the game completely blindly, so, basically only Sound symptoms To understand where he was and in what direction to go. Other snippets of his search with Sekro are also available on Twitz, proving his abilities.

In some situations, Mitchris used the sword to use the wall and surfaces as a reference point. Even the noise of enemies and gods Photo They were useful to understand whether he had achieved his goal or not. Apparently, not everything always went the right way: sometimes he fell on deaf ears, and sometimes, not understanding which direction he was going, had to teleport back to the checkpoint and start again. However, given the complexity of Sekro’s conflicts, this is a significant effort.

Fortunately, Seigro uses a lot of unique sounds for enemy attacks, especially special sounds, so Twitch Streamer was able to attack, use Barry or discover skills. He apparently used many substances to gain all possible benefits and to balance his own blindness. The The boss is final Defeated on (Shura’s) second attempt. Below you will find the most intense moment: The second phase against the Guardian Monkey.

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We also point out that while waiting for the Elton Ring, the user will hit the final boss of Sekro every day.

Veronica Tucker

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