Two Lyon residents have imagined a revolutionary computer case for students.

Two Lyon residents have imagined a computer case that acts as a revolutionary pillow for students – D

Damia Cortés and Fanny Monnier are the founders of Soko, a young company conceived as part of their studies.We didn't want an app. We wanted to solve a real problem.“Remember the two young women, aged 23 and 24.

Their project will focus on student comfort in lecture halls.”My butt hurts“I then thought of making a pillow,” Damia recalled.It's a shame to bring a pillow to the runway.“Fanny thinks. Then brainstorming will allow us to find the solution.”Why not make a 2-in-1 reinforced computer case that protects your computer and improves comfort when you're not using the case?“Souko was just born.

The two students are working on this idea with the aim of going beyond a school project. The company is part of the Lyon Start Up program. Damia and Fanny have also decided to address the target audience for their product: the students of the University of Lyon 3, and the video of this speech has created a buzz on social networks with more than 5 million views.There was a lot of excitement.“Remember the businessmen.

At the beginning of the summer, the founders of Sooku launched a pre-order campaign for KissKissBankBank, which met its goal of selling over 150 pillows.People are suffering and they have no solution at the moment.“They insist. Will Soko sign the end of the discomfort problems suffered by students in France but also abroad? Belgium and Quebec have also submitted requests for quotes.

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Frank Mccarthy

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