Video Games: Golf for all ages!

The “real” golf season is in full swing. However, it is not easy to play this relatively expensive sport in the city. Never mind, video game developers have thought of everything. Now all you need is a console or keyboard to test your skills in the most beautiful courses.

Golf may have been invented in the Netherlands in the 13th century under the name “colf,” and golf appeared on the Magnavox Odyssey 2 console in 1978. The game is called “Computer Golf!”. It was soon followed by “Pro Golf 1” (1979) for the Apple II and “Golf” (1980) for the Atari 2600. As you can imagine, everything is superficial: graphics, track and possible strokes. But designers know they have a sport to their liking.


As with tennis, the games are becoming more realistic, aiming to give the virtual player the same sensations as a real golfer. In 1986, Access Software released the “dashboard”, the version of which is available for the Sega Genesis via the browser ( With her little “kitsch” music and very old pixels! The “dashboard”, praised by critics and gamers, will become “links” (via the browser, As early as 1992 after the company was bought by Microsoft.

In 1990 Electronic Arts, founded in 1982 by a former Apple employee, entered the race and released “PGA Tour Golf”…for MS-DOS! This is the glorious age of pixels and funny sound effects that can be found via this browser emulator ( The game was considered at the time the best of golf, and was a success and EA and then EA Sports continued their momentum and issued five “PGA Tours” until 1997, improving functionality each time. We owe the privilege, in particular, to the three-click swing.

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Worn by Tiger Woods for 17 years, whose annual contract was about $7 million, the game became the “Rory McIlroy PGA Tour” in 2015 after the hero’s sexual misadventures. Today, EA Sports is preparing for the “PGA Tour” (, which will be available next year and will feature Tiger Woods there. .

HB Studios is also releasing golf with “The Golf Club” (via Steam for Windows, which was released in 2014. The title was initially considered a mediocre game, and the title is getting better. under the name “PGA 2K Tour” ( For Windows, Ninendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One), the 2021 version includes player customization options, including an adidas clothing suite and a completely redesigned Career Mode.

Another title not to be overlooked: “World Golf Tour” (for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android, which can be played online for free and which is played by more than 10 million players regularly.

less serious

The family nickname par excellence which the younger one could concede to, “Everybody’s Golf” (for PlayStation 4, Apple Arcade is more user-friendly than so-called “avenue” addresses. The visuals are those of an arcade game and the animations, colors and sound effects are fun. In addition, players can explore the courses in their shopping cart or immerse themselves in various mini-games.

“Dangerous Golf” (for Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, is a totally crazy little ball game. Players, in improbable environments such as the kitchen or the mansion, must destroy as many objects as possible while hitting the ball through the hole. amusing!

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Designed for players who “hate golf” and “what golf?” (for Windows, macOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, Apple Arcade, is a funny mini-game in which the tee moves, obstacles pile up and the player has to push himself through the courses. Guaranteed laughs. Note that the game is now available for iOS (, but not yet for Android.

Obviously, on the Nintendo side, golf is also in the spotlight. “Angry Golf” (for Nintendo Switch, mix between sports and… a shooting game! Also, the popular Mario Golf franchise has been boosted with a new title in recent days, “Super Rush” ( Nintendo Switch) can be played by up to four, presents a number of obstacles and introduces 16 characters in several modes, including “Speed ​​Golf” and “Battle Golf”.

A week’s waste of time (helpful)

The Classic was first developed for Nintendo’s SNES in 1992, and then for Sega’s Genesis the following year, “Classic Pebble Beach Golf Links” (via browser). at the most prestigious Pebble Beach course in the United States. Several modes are available, and the title, soon to be in its 30s, still offers an undeniable and appreciable level of complexity…including nostalgia!

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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