We tested a virtual reality escape game in Limoges

“In 1928, a group of expeditions disappeared into the desert. In search of the pyramid of a Negev and the secret it hides, the explorers never returned. But, with new technologies, we were able to go back in their footsteps and find out what really happened. Your task, to find out what happened to the expedition and find ” The thing ‘they came for.’

Immerse yourself in the heart of the action and find yourself completely immersed in an Egyptian pyramid. Escape from the lost pyramid It is the escape game that we tested for you in correctionHeld by Cedric.

Cooperate or stay locked up

“Usually the escape game is over in 40-45 minutes,” Cedric tells us before we start. Then he provides us with a virtual reality headset and controllers that will serve us. Don’t panic for those who wear glasses, the helmet is big enough for you to wear. Cédric puts headphones on our ears allowing us to communicate while we are in two different rooms. Continue to cooperate in order to find as quickly as possible the thing that the explorers came for.

“Are you ready?”, the director shoots. Suddenly, it gets dark, then the hieroglyphs appear, a voice tells us what happened, then the game begins. First of all, we need to choose our avatar and accessories. Hats, mustaches, backpacks, helmets, masks, there is something Everyone. Then we are pushed into two dark rooms. Cédric gives us some clues in order to progress more quickly in the game.

Very realistic experience

The more puzzles we answer, the higher the base we are. The goal, as we quickly understand it, is to climb to the top. But it is not easy. Emptiness first, for those who fear it, do not look down. Then the puzzles become more difficult. Wanting to go fast makes us miss clues. Cedric is right there to get us back on the right track.

We have finally reached the top of the pyramid. We say “wonderful”. “It’s not over yet,” Cedric says. One last puzzle, one last effort, and we’ve finally found the thing. Obviously we won’t tell you what it is, you’d better come yourself to test and discover this escape game.

Cedric takes off his helmets. Verdict: It took us 50 minutes and 45 seconds to solve it Escape from the lost pyramid. “Good weather for the first time,” assures the director.

Before leaving, we also tested a game, still in VR. An experience that is almost more real than the reality itself. The groups are fantastic realism for Cedric, he is always ready to welcome you with joy and a good sense of humour.

See also  Relive the events of the assassination of Saint Lambert in virtual reality at the Archéoforum

Information: website correctionAnd larustine-vr.fr Or at
Open daily from 2pm to 10pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 10pm. Wearing a mask remains mandatory and washing hands with hydro-alcoholic gel as well. Cédric has been installed since March 2020 at the new address Rue François-Perrin and offers 5 escape games and about thirty games. Most often, these slots are for 1 hour, with a maximum of 4 players and from 12 years old.

Text “Claire Sicard”
emily monttelban pictures

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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