GThursday, August 22, if Jean-Louis arrives at the church square of Saint-Germain-de-Corbe (Dordogne), it is not to shop at a small grocery store, nor to collect a parcel from La Poste. A villager joins the mobile recycling center set up in the morning. “It is very convenient for us, otherwise we would have to travel twelve kilometers. »
SMD3, which ensures waste management…
GThursday, August 22, if Jean-Louis arrives at the church square of Saint-Germain-de-Corbe (Dordogne), it is not to shop at a small grocery store, nor to collect a parcel from La Poste. A villager joins the mobile recycling center set up in the morning. “It is very convenient for us, otherwise we would have to travel twelve kilometers. »
SMD3, which manages waste for almost the entire department, launched a mobile recycling center in mid-July that travels to four small villages south of Mossidane and Montpon-Ménéstérol. The goal: to prevent bulky items from ending up in black or yellow bins.
“There have already been initiatives of this type elsewhere, but on this scale, we are the first,” confirms Isabelle Gendron, in charge of recycling centres in the sector. Two trucks and a van have been purchased and three employees have been hired (1).
install, uninstall
On site, it takes about an hour to install and then uninstall the various skips. Everything then happens as in a classic recycling center, from presenting your subscription card to depositing the bulky items. Another step has been added, the satisfaction questionnaire, suggested by Julie Martinchat, coordinator of the SMD3 facilitators.
Honorine Morel Jean
“Some people tell me they haven’t emptied their homes in years. One man took the opportunity to make three trips back and forth.” Open three days a week, the mobile recycling center accommodates a maximum of 26 people over a half-day.
“Some people tell me they haven't emptied their house in years.”
In addition to the various waste containers, a cupboard has been installed to store items that are no longer needed. “Those that remain are handed over to the La Seconde Vie association,” explains Mehdi Krouchadi, director of the re-employment project.
What's next?
Individual composting is also available for sale. “Even if it means getting closer to the population, we try to offer as many services as possible,” says Isabelle Gendron. The mobile recycling center was selected by the region as part of a call for projects on waste prevention and recovery.
What follow-up will there be on this experiment, the result of more than a year of thinking? In completed questionnaires, users indicate that they would come to the mobile recycling center twice a year, if it were sustainable.
Isabelle Gendron hopes that other municipalities will volunteer. “I think many elected officials were waiting to see how the recycling center works on the ground.” Municipalities in particular must provide a 1,000 square meter plot of land.
(1) Another agent is being sought to take over the position as soon as possible.
Upcoming dates
Three days later on August 20, 22 and 24 in Saint-Géraud-de-Corps, a mobile recycling center will be set up in Lunas (town hall parking lot) on August 27, 29 and 31, in Les Lèches (rue des Forges) on September 10, 12 and 14, and in Beausette (town hall square) on September 24, 26 and 28. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the recycling center is open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays.
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