What is the operating system for the meta metaverse?

The path that leads to the Metaverse is full of pitfalls. Meta, which has very big ambitions in this area, would have halted development of the operating system that would have made future augmented reality devices work.

The Meta Quest (formerly Oculus) headset is equipped with an Android operating system. But this is not enough for Meta, who is seeking to free her hand away from the main platforms of Google and Apple. That’s why in 2017 the company launched the development of XR OS, a new operating system that starts from scratch, without any trace of Android.

pending development

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and head of Meta, confirmed the existence of this development last June, and best of all, he announced that its launch wasn’t too far away. This operating system, including the XR, combines augmented and virtual reality, and it employs 300 engineers and developers. But according to the site the informationMeta was going to decide to stop the costs while on the physical side, the group unveiled their cards.

Other than virtual reality headsets, Meta is actually preparing two projects for XR glasses (Aria and Nasra), which will allow you to put both feet into the metaverse. The company may have intended to run it with XR OS instead of Quest, which could happen if software development is put on hold.

However, Mita made sure to respond quickly after the article was published before the information, claiming that work is ongoing to design an operating system to suit the needs of future XR devices. There is still progress on that front, according to the company’s director of communications for Reality Labs, which continues to hire.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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