What to do if your computer shows a black screen on startup?

Computer starts up but displays a black screen or screen saver? The source of the problem can be multiple. That is why in this article we are suggesting to discover the various possible solutions.

Go the easiest way

If your computer is showing a black screen or screen saver, the solution may be easier than you think. Start with basic tests that will help you determine the true source of the problem.

  • Disconnect all peripheral devices connected to the computer during startup. This includes USB keyboards and mice, as well as the cord used to power the computer.
  • Press for 30 seconds on the computer’s main start button
  • Then reconnect the power cord
  • Reboot the computer

Various possible scenarios

  • If you have done all these manipulations but the problem persists with a short beep, then there is a good chance that the cable connecting the central unit to your monitor is badly connected or damaged. You can also check if your monitor is working by connecting it to another central unit if you have one.
  • If your computer makes many persistent beeps, the problem is likely with your BIOS. The meaning of the beeps varies depending on the brand of your computer. It is therefore recommended that you refer to the user manual that came with the motherboard.
  • However, your computer may not make a sound when it starts up with a black screen or screen saver. What could be a sign that your motherboard or processor is faulty?.
  • The black screen when starting the computer can also come due to a problem with the graphics card. All you have to do to correct this is to uninstall and then reinstall the driver.
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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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