WhatsApp is stealing your account through this activity

Recently, scams involving WhatsApp have been aimed at stealing sensitive personal data or information to access current accounts.

WhatsApp – LettoQuotidiano.it

Now something new is spreading Account risk fraud WhatsApp: Fraudsters try to steal your account through a specific activity.

Attempts to steal fraudulent accounts endangering millions of users of the world’s most widely used instant messaging processor. How it works How to protect yourself from cybercriminals?

Protect yourself like this.

WhatsApp: New scam to steal your account

Attempting to steal a WhatsApp account through a scam involves a clear plan to exploit users’ routine distractions and innocence or trust in messages coming from contacts in the address book.

Let’s see how Corruption: Has been Detained by Postal Police Who described the mechanism.

First, fraudsters need to send a text message to potential victims Activation code Of your WhatsApp account. This code will be used each time you want to move the account from one device to another.

To gain the user’s trust, the sender a will appear from the request text message Contact us in the address book.

WhatsApp is stealing your account through this activity | Protect yourself like this

Anyone who falls into the web and responds to the message by contacting the activation code, WhatsApp account is stolen. Once caught in the hands of cyber criminals, it is difficult to recover. In addition, fraudsters will immediately have free access to sensitive data and contacts.

Fraud on your WhatsApp account: Protect yourself this way

The way to protect yourself from this scam is to now know how it works, and to carefully study all the communications received without rushing to respond by providing sensitive data. You should never contact a person asking for important data without first checking.

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Stop thinking, do not rush, if in doubt (you should always be) Contact the ‘accused’ person by phone Do you think he sent you a message (SMS, chat, email)? Ask for your contact Voice confirmation Of request.

Your own contact may already be affected by account theft. Only voice verification will further confirm the authenticity of the message.


Veronica Tucker

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