When James McAvoy Burned His Favorite Video Game To Get Rid Of His Addiction… – Video Game News

In promoting the release of “12 Minutes,” an interactive thriller in which he voices his voice, James McAvoy in an interview with Forbes evokes his addiction to video games…to the point of having to rip his disc. Favorite game!

Action Press / Bestimage

What does actor James McAvoy do between the shots? Gives a voice in a video game! In this case in the game 12 minutesAvailable since August 17th.

Edited by Annapurna Interactive, the digital company of the independent Hollywood studio Annapurna PicturesThe game is presented as an original story and interactive thriller in a striking visual style, in which the man is trapped in a 12-minute time loop. When his wife announces that she is pregnant, a man enters his house and accuses him of killing his father. It starts over and over again. The player’s goal is to investigate this mystery and find the truth.

So the actor guarantees the vocal dubbing of one of the heroes, and is supported in the passage by a beautiful voice cast, where we find Daisy Ridley and Willem Dafoe.

Below is the game’s launch announcement…

In promoting the game, the actor awarded Interview with Forbes, where he talked about his old addiction to video games. One in particular: the awesome role-playing game The Fourth Elder Scrolls: OblivionPublished in 2006 and edited by Bethesda. So addictive that it, according to him, jeopardized the filming of a movie that was supposed to secure him at the time, Jane, to the point of deciding to burn the game disc to get rid of it. Extremist!

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“I had to go to bed around 10pm, because I woke up at 6am every day. And I had a lot of dialogue to learn. I only stayed up until 4am, playing forgetfulness!” He said. Even extended play sessions during filming prompted him to start playing even earlier in the evening, at 8 p.m., peaking regularly until 5.35 a.m., the actor explains, even though a car came to pick him up 6 hours ago to take him to the movie. Puts.

The schedules actually don’t match the pace of filming and the nights almost never sleep…so much so that McAvoy made the drastic decision to wean himself off the game: “I opened my X-Box 360, took out the disc, turned on the gas, and burned the game disc a little to melt it.”

If he’s slowed down a lot since then, turning away from video games for ten years, he’s made a big comeback since then with his son, with whom he regularly plays FIFA or Warzone. Fortunately he did not initiate it The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which was released in 2012, or else it would surely have fallen apart again for not coming out… Those who have embarked on this very cool immersive game know something about it…

Tess Larson

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