Where did this volcano come from? The largest lava flow stretches for 180 km: it is the most active celestial body – CUENEWS

Recent observations of this celestial body have led to the discovery of a large volcano with very long lava flows.

The solar system hides an array of wonders that have always fascinated astronomers and scientists. It stands out among its protagonists ThursdayA gas giant with large satellites. Every celestial body orbiting Jupiter has Unique features It distinguishes it from others and attracts the attention of those who study the secrets of the universe. Over the centuries, observations of these satellites have contributed to the understanding of complex and fascinating cosmic processes.

In recent decades, as space exploration technologies have improved, collecting capabilities have increased Detailed data On these celestial bodies. Many missions have the main objective of observing Jupiter and its moons closely, allowing scientists to observe unexpected events and gather valuable information. Studies orbiting this gaseous planet have documented fascinating phenomena and are fueling scientific interest. Natural satellites.

Some of these celestial bodies are known for a long time, popular etc Medical satellitesVisible from Earth with small optical instruments. Discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610, these satellites comprise Jupiter's largest moons, each with surprising properties. Among them, one satellite in particular stands out, which has brought new surprises to recent space missions.

One of these missions, launched in 2011, has made important discoveries in recent years. The Juno studyDesigned to explore Jupiter, one of the most studied satellites of the Jovian system has provided extraordinary information, shedding new light on previously unseen geological phenomena.

New observations from space travel

Previous missions, such as the Galileo probe in 1997, had already shown some activity on the surface of this satellite, but never with the current level of detail. Images collected by The Juno study Between 2023 and 2024 they discovered new and unexpected geological structures, bringing about significant changes in the ground's conformation. Thanks to the help of the JunoCam camera, scientists obtained close-up images capable of revealing hitherto invisible phenomena.

One of the most unusual elements of these observations Discovery of a large volcanoIt appeared in recent times, lava flows 180 kilometers in diameter. This volcano, whose rapid formation surprised researchers, confirms the incredible geological activity of this satellite, which is considered the most active place in the solar system.

Jupiter and its moons (Depositphotos photo) – www.aerospacecue.it

A new volcano and its origin

Its effects are attributed to the incredible volcanic activity observed wave forces Created by Jupiter's immense gravity. These forces cause internal motions in the satellite, generating heat to fuel geological processes. The volcano discovered by Junocom stands out for its volcanic deposits and the widespread red spot caused by sulfur emissions, visible in color images.

Unpublished images, recently presented at a scientific conference, provide An unprecedented view Demonstrates how spaceflight continues to amaze with discoveries that expand our understanding of satellite surfaces and the universe.

Veronica Tucker

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