Why use Airplane mode in your mobile phone, even if you are not on a plane

We tell you all the advantages of activating Airplane mode on your mobile phone, some of which you certainly did not know.

Our Android phone has a large number of functions, some of which we do not take full advantage of. One such feature is Airplane Mode, a tool that lets you turn off all of your phone’s network connections when you’re flying, but it can also come in handy when you’re not on a plane.

For this reason, below we will explain to you why you should use Airplane mode for your mobile phone, even if you are not on a plane.

Airplane mode

Discover all the benefits of activating Airplane mode on your mobile phone when you are not on the plane

These are all the advantages of using Airplane mode on your mobile phone when you are not traveling

Airplane mode is one of the functions of your smartphone that you only use when traveling by plane, but you certainly do not know all the advantages of using this feature when you are on the ground.

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The top five benefits of using Airplane mode on your mobile phone when you are not traveling are:

  • save battery
  • Troubleshoot mobile data issues
  • Play ad-free games
  • Charge your mobile phone faster
  • Access WhatsApp anonymously

save battery

A major advantage of activating Airplane mode when you are not on a flight is that you will be able to save your mobile battery when you are not using it, because by deactivating all phone connections the power consumption will be much less. This is something really useful when you have a low battery, as you can disconnect and reactivate all portable antennas temporarily to check if you have any important calls or messages that you need to answer.

Troubleshoot mobile data issues

In some cases, the mobile data may stop working, which is really annoying, but we will be able to solve it with a series of simple solutions, among which is activating the Airplane mode.

So, if your mobile has a coverage issue that prevents you from accessing the internet if you are not connected to Wi-Fi and you activate and deactivate Airplane mode, all connections will restart and mobile data will work properly again, at least in most cases.

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Activating Airplane mode makes it possible to recharge the mobile phone more quickly

Play ad-free games

Another benefit of enabling Airplane mode when you are not on a plane is that it will allow you to play some games without ads, as many of them use your network connection only to enable ads and if you disable network access by turning on Airplane Mode you will be able to play these titles more Convenience, as no ads of any kind will appear.

Charge your mobile phone faster

Activating Airplane mode on your mobile when you’re not in the air will also allow you to reduce charging times, because by disconnecting power-consuming items, charging will soon end. This is very useful when you are away from home and your battery is low, because by charging the device with Airplane mode activated, you can almost halve charging times, even if your smartphone does not have fast charging.

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Access WhatsApp anonymously

Finally, the final benefit of using Airplane mode when you are not on a plane is that you will be able to access WhatsApp anonymously. This means that you will be able to read the messages you are waiting in the messaging app without anyone knowing that you did, because this information will not be sent to the server until you turn off Airplane mode.

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Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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