Why won't Switzerland test students' digital skills?

General Assembly of the Conference of Cantonal Directors of Public Education (CDIP) Scheduled Before the summer, on June 20, Switzerland will not participate in an international survey that measures the level of computer and media skills of tenth graders, ICLS 2028(“International Computer and Information Literacy Study”). This study, which is comparable in size to PISA, has been conducted every five years since 2013 by an international consortium (IEA). Switzerland has participated in the ICILS survey only once, in the year it was launched, while most major countries in Western Europe participate regularly.

The ICILS survey allows assessing the readiness of students who have completed compulsory education to learn, create and develop in the digital world. Tasks completed on the computer test Computer and media skills (Computer and information literacy) and the ability to solve problems that will be performed by the machine (computational thinking).

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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