Windows 11 Build 22000.194: New apps and some problems

Windows 11 will be distributed on October 5, 2021. It’s good that Microsoft is getting rid of the last few bugs from the preview builds with the new test release, Build 22000.194. The update also has drawbacks for some testers. COMPUTER BILD owns the information.

Many app updates

like Microsoft in Windows Insider Blog It reveals that version 22000.194 does not bring any new functionality, but it does provide new versions of three Windows applications. Microsoft refers to the update functionality in the Store app for the necessary updates:
  • Watch with focus sessions: As COMPUTER BILD already mentioned, in the future the Windows clock will support focused work with the new focus sessions functionality. The app has been renamed and can no longer be found in the app list under “Alarm & Clock”, but under the U for “Clock”.
  • clipping tool: The previous screenshot program is replaced by a brand new application which has the look of Windows 11 and finally supports the selected Windows theme. Then the screen recording is simply created using the shortcut WIN + SHIFT + S, which also displays the new clip menu. More options can be set there.
  • the computer: The calculator takes advantage of the snipping tool’s visual improvements. The application was developed from scratch and, in addition to the basic functions, provides a special mode for programmers, a converter for more than 100 units, currencies, and a function for mathematical equations.
The distribution of the new version of Mail and Calendar will follow at a later date. All details about the applications can be found in the file Windows Insider Blog.

Virtual machine limitations

Building 22000.194: Remaining Sports Program

As Microsoft reveals, version 22000.194 removes some bugs in Windows 11. Among other things, it resolves issues with contrast mode artifacts, hitting Bluetooth devices, and unexpected error checks in standby mode. However, the software giant lists 15 remaining problems that must be resolved by the release date – Math! There are still errors in the new Start menu, in the new taskbar, in Windows search, in the Store, and in reactivated widgets. Details can be found in the file Windows Insider Blog.

How to get the update

To install version 22000.194, open the . file Settings From Windows, click on “Depending on the version” Update and security or Windows Update And Windows Insider Program. If you haven’t already, sign in with your Microsoft account. Then select the option under “Select Insider Settings” beta. The next time you look for updates, Windows will offer you the trial version to install. Then click if necessary Download and install. Alternatively, you can reinstall Windows 11 using the ISO file and then update to the latest version using Windows Update.

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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