Cell phones do not like heat. They suffer at high temperatures. This applies to both the screen and the inside of the cell phone. Both can be irreparably damaged by exposure to sunlight and heat. So what can you do to make sure your cell phone gets through the summer?
Cell Phone Too Hot: Take Device Warning Seriously
A beeping sound, a warning triangle appears on the screen and also says: Device Warning. This must be taken seriously, if the mobile phone cannot irreversibly abandon the ghost. “Usually it can’t be turned on anyway,” says Lisa Brack of technology magazine Chip.
Some smartphones react by turning them off on their own. But even when it’s turned off, heat can still affect the device.
First aid for a mobile phone or overheating smartphone
If you notice heat damage, be sure to put your mobile phone in a cool place quickly, but not in a cold place, Brack recommends. Do not under any circumstances put it in the refrigerator or freezer, because the processor has to work more. In addition, condensation forms inside, which can cause water damage.
The best thing you can do is simply put the mobile in a shaded place and leave it switched off for a while.
Heat Danger Warning: Do not leave your cell phone in the car
Prevention is better than repair. According to the manufacturer, most brands can withstand a temperature of up to 35 ° C in the shade, at higher temperatures the device can be damaged.
The biggest mistake Murat Sinjün of the Smartphone Clinic in Munich-Pasing makes almost every day is that people leave their cell phones in the car. After that it can warm up from 50 to 70 degrees in the sun. The technician says that the device literally cooks itself. Most of the time, the battery is down, but more often than not.
Heat damage to a smartphone: the battery, the screen, or more?
It is easy to tell if the mobile phone has been damaged by heat. Sometimes the screen can’t turn on, sometimes the colors are blurry, sometimes the battery drains quickly, sometimes it can’t turn back on.
In any case, heat permanently reduces battery performance. In extreme cases, the battery can also swell. The battery can usually be replaced, as is the screen, but not on the inside.
With the mobile on the beach: it is important to note
Not only is the heat dangerous for a mobile phone in summer, but also going to the beach. There are attachments for storage in the sand or near the water. But be careful: the bags that protect the cell phone are mostly made of plastic. Chip-Magazin’s Brack says it’s best to make it out of neoprene or fabric, because plastic can melt, too.
Another tip for visiting the beach: to prevent sand from scratching the screen, it is best to apply a protective film. If sand gets into the headphone jacks, just clean it with a toothbrush.