Workplace and training in the front yard of the Pôle emploi Agency in Nice Ouest » PACA Economic and Political Newsletter

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Twenty more steps across the region until the end of June to allow everyone, whether registered with Pôle Emploi or not, access to qualified or refresher training, discover jobs being hired, interview companies or benefit from advice on their job search…

Employment Center Agency

Travel village to meet the residents

Pôle emploi Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur envisioned the place of employment and training as a place of resources and exchanges that go to meet the public as close as possible to their place of life.
Idea: To provide solutions for sustainable professional integration, enhance training opportunities and introduce promising professions.
For less qualified job seekers, this is an opportunity to incorporate courses ranging from promotion to qualified training funded by the Skills Investment Scheme.
Another main ambition of this event is the ability to promote and offer tailored services to an audience that does not necessarily pay the door of Pôle emploi agencies or their partners: 20% of visitors to the Place de l’emploi do not benefit from the services of Pôle Emploi.

Thematic spaces driven by PLE EMPLOI and its partners

This Off-Walls initiative is based on strong local partnerships in employment and training (training organizations, professional associations, business associations, etc.) and in the social (social centers, etc.) to enable comprehensive visitor information.
• A space for orientation and training “Even without a baccalaureate I can!” To discover the professions in which employment is taking place, the training available and the assessment of skills.
• A digital space to discover the professions that are employed in a different way thanks to the virtual reality headset, and it also allows visitors to discover the digital services of Pôle emploi.
• The support space provides support for interview techniques and creation of resumes and cover letters. Visitors will also be able to assess access to care by attending the CPAM.
• A dating space where candidates can meet directly with companies hiring locally.

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Find out about all stages of the placement of employment and training on:

Workplace and training started on June 2nd in Nice

Place de l’emploi et de la formation Thursday 2 June 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Free entry Parvis du Premium 61 Avenue Simone Veil 06000 Nice

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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