Xbox Game Pass: Xbox France promises ‘amazing’ announcement tomorrow | Xbox One

“Tomorrow’s amazing announcement, we just want to warn you.” This is what the official Xbox Game Pass Twitter account in France promises. What can he prepare well for?

Incredible ad for Xbox Game Pass

All we know now is that it will be announced tomorrow, more precisely in “In the afternoon until everyone is fully awake”.

We checked, and Xbox France is the only account that seems to bring up this topic. Therefore, everything indicates that this is a local initiative, not an international one.

If this is indeed the case, one should not expect the announcement of an exceptional game coming in Xbox Game PassNot even any association with Nintendo or the arrival of a new service. Even less when it is announced on Saturday. Some guys are already imagining the craziest stuff in this ad, but if we could give one piece of advice, we wouldn’t be imagining the craziest stuff either. Isn’t the best way to be surprised not to expect anything in particular?

See you tomorrow to see what happens!

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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