The Gamescom 2021 Opens its doors tonight. The German exhibition, despite its virtual form, is one of the most important events of the video game year. Proof of this is the new Microsoft conference, a Xbox Stream Showcase, In which the Redmond giant will show the progress of the work of its largest and most interesting projects. For this reason, we will be following the event directly starting at 7pm Twitch channel of At Pierpaolo Greco and Vincenzo Lettera.
Officially the Gamescom 2021 opening night is scheduled for tomorrow (we’ll see it live too, don’t miss it!), But tonight the Xbox presentation is the start of work for the German exhibition in all respects. Microsoft It shouldn’t make announcements, but “simply” shows the work progression of its highly anticipated games, above all with Forza Horizon 5.
It will be 90 minutes of Xbox game pass (by the way, did you read our review of Syconads 2?), Xbox games, but PC, Germany is one of the largest markets for personal computers in the world.
However, as before, we follow in the footsteps of Luca Boro and Pierre Palo Greco. Magic Showcase 2021 (Starting at 4:45 pm) and we will go without interruption Rule 2 Showcase 6 p.m. Funky plans to launch its next big expansion, Whispers Mistress.
So you can’t miss it. Gamescom 2021 is here, follow it with us!