▷ POL-OL: +++ Police warn of new scams by SMS +++

04.02.2021 – 13:39

Oldenburg Stadt / Amirland police station

Oldenburg (OTS)

Due to current events, Oldenburg police are warning of a new scam.

Many of the new fraud procedures are being handled by Oldenburg Police. Accordingly, the victims receive an unwanted SMS text message on their cell phones. In this message, the transmission of the packet is announced without naming the sender. The affected parties are requested to verify the shipment and follow the link.

This resulted in the program being re-downloaded for the affected party and several hundred SMS messages were received. Initial analysis of the software also showed that it can also send SMS messages and allow remote control of a smartphone. The installation of the program has so far resulted in more financial damages at the expense of the victims.

In this context, we recommend the following:

   - Klicken sie nicht auf Links, die ihnen von unbekannter Stelle 
     oder unerwartet zugestellt werden
   - Bestätigen sie keine Installation von fremden Apps auf ihrem 
     Smartphone, richten sie eventuell eine Drittanbieter - Sperre 
   - Haben sie eine SMS bekommen, aber nicht auf den Link geklickt, 
     ist ihnen noch nichts passiert. 

Did you click on a link and receive a lot of SMS or does your mobile phone send these:

   - Schalten sie ihr Gerät direkt in den Flugmodus, informieren sie 
     ihren Provider
   - Erstatten sie eine Strafanzeige bei der Polizei
   - Entfernen sie die App, holen sie sich gegebenenfalls 
     professionelle Hilfe 

Please contact:

Oldenburg Stadt / Amirland police station
press office
Genus Roddick
Phone: 0441 / 790-4004
Email: [email protected]

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Original content from: Police Inspection Oldenburg-Stadt / Ammerland, reported via Aktuell News

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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