28.01.2021 – 15:48
Cologne Police
Cologne (OTS)
Two men described as “in their early twenties” and wearing “dark pants and running hats” stole a young man from Cologne in Longerich on Wednesday evening (27 January). Bureau of Investigation 14 is urgently looking for witnesses. At around 9:50 PM, he was waiting at the Dionys Straße bus stop, the 25-year-old victim told police officers. Surprisingly, the two suspects ran towards him from the direction of Heckweg / Longericher Hauptstrasse. The elder attacker described the crash, his partner tore the mobile phone from his hand, and the citizen in Cologne described the accident. The duo fled with their prey towards Longericher Hauptstrasse. For references, witnesses are required under the phone number. 0221 229-0 or by email to poststelle.koeln@polizei.nrw.de. (cg / as)
Please send inquiries from media representatives to:
Police headquarters in Cologne
press office
Walter Pauli Ring 2-6
51103 Cologne
Phone: 0221/229 5555
Email: pressstelle.koeln (at) polizei.nrw.de
Original content by: Cologne Police, transmitted via aktuell news
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