3000 km per second space, era collision | Two galaxies have given birth to a new object – Photo – CUENEWS

Here is an unprecedented event that left everyone speechless: a collision between two galaxies.

Dark matter and dark energy represent two mysteries Attractive and premises of the universe. Dark matter is a form of matter that does not emit, absorb or reflect light, is invisible and detectable only through its gravitational effects, dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that propagates through space and appears to cause acceleration. expansion of the universe. Both are invisible, but play roles Important On the structure and fate of the universe.

there dark matter It makes up about 85% of the total mass of the universe, but interacts with normal matter only through gravity. This means that even if we can't see it directly, we can infer its existence by observing how gravity affects the motion of stars and galaxies.

Galaxies and constellations are, in fact, Without the extra mass provided by dark matter, they cannot exist together. It does not behave like normal matter: it does not form atoms, does not emit electromagnetic radiation, and does not group into structures like stars or planets.

On the other hand, Dark energy It is still mysterious. It is Represents about 70% energy The whole universe seems to work together repulsive force, Defying gravity and pushing galaxies away from each other. It is not associated with particles like matter, and does not detectably interact directly with light or other forms of energy.

Collisions between galaxies and separation of matter

This difference between dark matter And Dark energy Exemplifies the complexity of modern cosmic physics. When the darkest thing seems Interact only with gravity and cosmic structures, contributing to the formation of dark energy Drives the expansion of the universe On a large scale.

Both, though invisible, shape our universe in fundamental and still unknown ways. An extraordinary example of how dark matter behaves differently from the behavior observed during CMACS J0018.5+1626 Interstellar Cluster Collision.

Illustration of a collision between two galaxies (Photo by WM Keck Observatory/Adam Makarenko) – www.aerospacecue.it

A discovery by scientists

During this event, the Hot gas between galaxies collides and heats upThe galaxies remained mostly intact. However, the dark matter It did not suffer the same fate as gas: it dissociated It kept moving Forward without slowing down.

By measuring the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich kinetic effect, scientists can Determines the velocity of gas clouds And notice how dark matter Behaving differently than usual. This discovery opens up new perspectives for understanding nature dark matter and lead to further revelations about its connection with the universe.

Veronica Tucker

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