Wi-Fi 7 could be the real alternative to Ethernet cables

Wi-Fi 6E products are barely allowed in France, but we already have the next generation on the horizon. Wi-Fi 7 represents the next generation of wireless networking protocol. The premiere was made, and the goal is to be a true alternative to wired connectivity.

Wi-Fi 7 could be the real alternative to Ethernet cables

while France Just authorized Wi-Fi 6E, and thus the marketing of the first compatible products, there is already talk Wi-Fi 7 (or 802.11be) since 2021.

MediaTek just detailed the world’s first live demonstration of Wi-Fi 7 (IEEE 802.11be). The goal of this demo was to demonstrate that this new wireless standard is capable of reaching the speeds announced by the Wi-Fi Alliance. As a reminder, Wi-Fi will have 7 Maximum capacity of 30 Gbit/s (About three times faster than Wi-Fi 6). Keep in mind, however, that this speed is theoretical. Don’t expect to hit that number when browsing the web at home.

“Wi-Fi 7 advances in terms of channel width, QAM and new features (…) will make Wi-Fi 7 very efficient for devices, including smartphones and computers (…). »

In addition to the increased speeds, Wi-Fi 7 will reduce latency, thanks to additional frequency bands, channel sizes of up to 320MHz (twice the 160MHz of Wi-Fi 6), and 4096-QAM modulation (instead of 1024-QAM in Wi-Fi). Fi 6). Naturally, it will be compatible with older generation devices, including Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 6E and also Wi-Fi 5.

Technically, Wi-Fi 7 is designed to be the true wired/Ethernet alternative for high-speed applications that require low latency and many simultaneous connections. Among the applications, MediaTek cites 8K broadcasting, virtual reality and augmented reality, Cloud computing / gaming And so on.

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2023, 2024 or 2025?

Initially, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) plans to release a Wi-Fi 7 modification sometime in 2024, with commercial deployment around the same time. Then, just like Wi-Fi 6 and 6E, the Wi-Fi Alliance will launch the Wi-Fi 7 certification program to ensure interoperability and security standards. Finally, each country will aim to give its own mandate by setting rules regarding its use of the wave spectrum.

For MediaTek, the first products will be designed and marketed as early as 2023, before this new wireless standard is adopted. As with the launch of Wi-Fi 6, it seems wise to wait for the first stock products Wi-Fi Certified.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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