Bamberger calls the police a hundred times

Bamberger makes hundreds of emergency calls – a police officer wants to take his cell phone and is attacked: As the Bamberg City Police Inspectorate wrote in its press release on Sunday (January 23, 2022), a man (41) police officers were injured while on duty. The attacker called emergency services in advance – several hundred times in total.

According to the police report, the 41-year-old from Bamberg initially handled several hundred calls to the emergency call center. To prevent further disturbances and criminal offenses here, the gentleman’s mobile phone was scheduled to be withdrawn on Saturday morning to block calls. He insulted and threatened the deployed officials and spat in the face of an official.

Bamberg: Hundreds of emergency calls were made – when the police intervened, the situation escalated

Since the man was apparently in an exceptional psychological state, he was taken to the local area hospital. He is now being investigated for misuse of emergency calls, assault on law enforcement officials, and threatening and insulting.

Police in Ansbach are warning against misusing an emergency call of a different kind: insolent scammers “steal” the police number.

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Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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