If a green or orange dot appears at the top of the screen, your device may be hacked

Do you know the meaning of the green or orange dot that sometimes appears at the top of a file Iphone ? If not, this information should be very useful to you! Since iOS 14, various indicators allow a person to realize the use of files smart phone Through this or that application. But some seers demand the most vigilance, regarding that lemon juiceThis Friday.

Here’s what you need to know. The phone’s time is marked in blue if Screen Mirroring is activated or if the app has access to the device’s location data. If the time appears on a red background, it means that the smartphone is recording audio or video on the screen. If the background is purple, the SharePlay function is active.

When in doubt, act fast

Since iOS 14, this information is supplemented by a light on the top right of the screen. It can light up in orange or green. In the first case, it means that an app is using the iPhone microphone. If the light is green, then the iPhone camera and/or microphone is in use. When the light appears on its own, without the indicator soon, it means that an app in the background is using either the microphone, the image sensor, or both.

Using a project or trying to hack? lemon juice iPhone users are recommended to be very careful about the presence of these two lights. To get more information about the app that is using it, you have to go to the Control Center. The name of the related app appears above Settings. In case this is not a legitimate use, it is recommended that you delete the respective app. If the phone contains sensitive data, it is also recommended to restore the factory settings of your iPhone, the device may be infected with malware.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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