110 years after its layover in Cherbourg, the Titanic continues to fascinate researchers

The wreck of the Titanic, still beautiful and majestic, preserves its legend. (© DR)

110 years ago, April 10, 1912The Titanica brand new liner from White Star Line, has been making short stop out of place Cherbourg (how much), before the opening crossing he was going to take in New York. A destination the ship never reached, although it has been described as unsinkable. In the The night of April 14 to 15then sank Hit an iceberg. 1504 passengers They will die.

This is amazing Thursday 7 April 2022 evening to celebrate 110 Anniversary From her stop in Cherbourg, sea ​​city Gathered together, around its founding president, Bernard Coffin, Paul-Henri Nargolet, who led the first hospitalization expedition in Titanicand Jessica Sanders, President of RMS Titanic Inc. Wreck rights holder. Video sharing opportunity.

Preserving the legacy

Found September 1, 1985 by one French-American team Led by Jean-Louis Michel and Robert Ballard, shipwreck Titanic fall out 3800 meters deep close the Canadian coasts from new land. Paul-Henri Nargolet brought the wreckage and personal belongings in the process Eight missions. More than 6,000 pieces in total, including part of a 20-ton structure, “The Big Piece,” which was restored prior to its display.

700 objects are currently on permanent display in the Orlando and Las Vegas museums. We also have pieces on display at the Belfast Museum, as well as in Cherbourg, at the Cité de la Mer, and soon in 2023 at Cowes. We have always been driven by this goal of preserving the legacy of the Titanic and the memory of its passengers and crew. So many pieces, small or large, highlight the moving and tragic fate.

Jessica Sanders

Jessica Sanders adds: “We are far from repackaging everything. But we must also lead conservation work. The majority of parts are stocked in Orlando. We are exploring ways to preserve the most fragile parts, in particular by digitize and the Virtual Reality. »

New agreement?

Until the end of the year at the Cité de la Mer, the public can still discover a collection of 53 pieces recovered from the wreckage of the Titanic in space that have been entirely dedicated to it since 2012. Gallery can be renovated. Nothing has been signed yet, but Bernard Coffin hopes to sign an initial agreement with RMS Titanic by the end of the year, which would allow the Cherbourg Museum to acquire about sixty new pieces from the Titanic wreck field. Jessica Sanders (our photo), president of RMS Titanic Inc. , arriving in November or December in Cherbourg to extend the partnership. “We share the same approach to Titanic,” Bernard Coffin welcomes.

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wreck in danger

The Titanic Is it in danger of disappearing forever? According to specialists, a large part of the debris can contain Completely deteriorated in 2030. Thus the ascendant and roofs collapsed, more and more debris was scattered around the site and holes appeared on the floors. The ship allows itself to be gnawed by deadly labour the time and the bacteriathat feed on iron.

“500 kg disappears every day, eaten by corrosion, salt and bacteria,” explains Paul-Henri Nargolet, who has dived about thirty times on the wreck. I’ve been listening for 35 years The greatest oceanographers I’d say the wreck has only ten years to live, but it’s still there, and I think it’s been around for a long time now. We have this responsibility to preserve this wreck and preserve our research, because there is still a lot to do. More dives are planned this summer to explore the wildlife around the wreck, as well as the nearby water column. »

Videos: Currently in Actu

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Frank Mccarthy

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