Astronomy: Rare alignment of planets this weekend, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus visible to the naked eye

Several planets in the solar system will be aligned this weekend from the 16th. It will be possible to observe the stars with the naked eye, provided you get up early!

Passionate astronomy Make a date with Heaven this weekend! hemisphere north You will be able to take advantage of the amazing Stage show The next few days with several planets aligned in the sky, this is for a week.

yes VenusAnd Mars And Saturn It was already visible for two weeks after dark, the largest planet in the solar system, JupiterYou’ll be joining them in the next few hours. Rather, they will all be aligned in the sky. Weather permitting, they will all be visible in the same celestial row.

as specified ParisThe phenomenon cannot be observed in the sky only at dawn. Just before sunrise in the southeast direction, toward the horizon.

The lineup as it should be on April 23.

Another surprise on April 23

More precisely, it will be the best window to observe these stars Between 5:30 AM – 6:30 AM in the morning as scheduled Futura Science. Finally, the climax of this alignment will occur Next April 23 When Jupiter comes out of the horizon and when the moon also comes to join them. The lunar star will be visible for a week.

But this wonderful sight will not compare to what awaits you June 24. It will be a remarkable phenomenon that can be observed from then on All the planets of the solar system will be visible In the sky in the east-south axis. However, it will not be possible to find Netptune and Uranus with the naked eye.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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