Coulommiers: Immerse yourself in an exceptional cultural setting with Micro-Folie!

La Micro Foley, a digital art gallery. at Command of the Knights Templar, Columériens discover their Micro-Madness. By blending its cultural heritage with technology, Municipality unveils digital museum who gives free Business Access One of the greatest museums in the world. Fab Lab (manufacturing lab), virtual reality space And game libraryThe micro madness who believed that the Columériens enrich the cultural offer of the city.

An exceptional cultural place. What is exact madness? real life place, Micro-Folie is a family space Where there are no limits to creation and upbringing. located in the heart of Command of the Knights TemplarThe site hosts a dedicated cultural programme. ” It’s a connected digital museum that lets you play, fit art, listen to concerts, hold conferences… It’s awesome! It’s a magical tool. “Welcomes Lawrence Pickard.

  • Saturday 2 April 2022 micro madness It was opened by Lawrence PickardMayor Colomier, Didier FusilierPresident of the General Organization of the Park and Grand Hall of La Villette, Patricia LemoineMember of Parliament for the Seine-et-Marne region, Sophie Deloisedepartment advisor and Jan BardetDeputy Mayor for Culture and Heritage. A project born under the impetus of the former Minister of Culture, Frank Riester.

Conferences, workshops, cultural outings … Art is open to all Colomers. For free, residents will be able to go to this micro madnessaccording to their desires. ” We’ll be doing guided tours with reviews, shows, concerts… It’s awesome! There are a lot of things you can do in this will, and It opens unlimited possibilities for access to art all over the worldbecause we have groups from all over the world accessible. In short, there is something for everyone. ” La Villette’s boss told us it was prettier than Micro-Madness, so, frankly, we’re not indulging our happiness.. » Goal ? Open the doors of museums around the world for free and stir up the desire to go through the doors, perhaps one day.

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We have been helped very well. » The Columerian Micro-Madness Funded by the stateAnd Bank of Regions and the CAF from Seine-et-Marne With the help of partners like Regional Department of Cultural Affairsdifference Regional Conservation of Historic Monuments And Sectional Unit for Heritage Engineer. ” The location is amazing. It’s the Knights Templar command, so there’s a great heritage aspect and above all big. There is a children’s game library which is exceptional and then you have This digital museum which is displayed on a large super bright screen, so the colors of the Mona Lisa as well as the sound are perfect. ‘highlight’ Didier Fusilier.

What is the benefit of a digital museum? after liking the Mona Lisa painting For hours and hours… did you notice it Leonardo da Vinci I drew it without eyebrows and with a small cap? By zooming in on the work, you can notice the details you missed so far. ” With Tablets that let you connect to work (dance, music, drawing, sculpture), To get to know her and go deeper into the details of the paintingquietly, even from home … It’s great! » Board games and puzzles are also introduced in the works. ” is a large number of activities that are offered at the heart of the project, Masterpieces from the Louvre, the Picasso Museum, or even the Paris Opera. In one visit, you can now enjoy works from all over the world.

With this Micro-Madness, what is the municipality’s goal? Our goal, little by little, Residents take over so teachers can come with their students and use the resources of the digital museum But outside of schools, residents are happy to come there. » School children can access Micro-Folie on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Recreational centers can receive children on Wednesdays from 9 am to 12 pm.

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The digital museum, virtual reality space, game library … La Micro-Folie is open to the general public free of charge, Wednesdays from 2 pm to 5 pm, Fridays and Saturdays from 3 pm to 7 pm. So, if you want to dive again into the greatest artifacts in history … feel free to pass by the door of Commandery of the Templars!

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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