Miró, Virtual Tour Gallery of the Center Pompidou

By Cécile D., My B. Pictures Posted Jan 6, 2021 at 5:22 pm Updated Jan 6, 2021 at 5:22 pm

Even with the doors closed, the Center Pompidou continues to entertain us by presenting a virtual tour of Miro’s “Blu” trilogy. To see and review without moderation!

The Pompidou Center He invites us to discover his first gallery specially designed for digital. The museum honors painter Joan I look, 59 years after the first exhibition Triple The first blue, the second blue, the third blue At the Maeght Gallery in Paris.

In this Virtual visitAdmire these symbolic works preserved in the collections of the Musée National d’art moderne de Paris.

The exhibition explainsthe origin And the significance of this very special triple board, in addition to the wholeEffect Which may be for these paintings in the history of modern and contemporary art.

This experience is very special and different from the virtual galleries that I was already able to. The Center Pompidou worked in partnership with WAOLab, An agency specializing in the 3D digitization of businesses, objects and spaces. You’re not just exploring a 360-degree space. This technology is generally used in Video games 3D in virtual reality gives us a real feeling of Free movementAt the heart of the exhibition space.

The interior of the Pompidou Center has been completely recreated and submerged. Move using Arrows Or your own the mouse, Take a moment to read Descriptions And the cartels created for this show. The little distinctive signs invite you to click, in order to always get more information about the painter and his work.

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You can still see the exhibits Matisse And the Vasarely, Pompidou Center, in a virtual tour. Also take a look at the difference Contents and activities It is offered by the museum. A good find!

Frank Mccarthy

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