Wheat Varieties: Six optional characters that are not gimmicks

Bearded wheat repels wild boars

Specializes in Varieties Grains at the Axereal cooperative, Séverine Baptiste is categorical: “ A Bearded wheat He pushes them away Wild boars. They do not fit into plots of varieties with this type of ear. ” the Varieties Bearded Represents the majority wheat Registered in the catalog of varieties in France. ” It is a trait that is highly sought after by some farmers who work in sectors where there are many game Because these varieties are considered less palatable when the grains are fullDamian Rousseau, from the Vivicia cooperative, confirms. But we have difficulty finding such varieties that are agronomically adapted to our sector. However, some cultivars such as KWS Agrum, RGT Palmeo, SU Pulsion, and Winner respond to this problem. » In Arvalis, Philippe de Chiron is even more puzzled by the effect of the decline Bearded wheat Towards a big game. ” We have no measures on this point. I have no opinion on the matter other than that there are types Bearded Among the best in productivity, such as Prestance or Complice, to name a few. »

Strong expectations regarding tolerance in JNO

To date, RGT constitutes the only Tweeteo diverse to wheat Registered in France resistant to JNO (yellow dwarf barley), while it is found in abundance in winter barley. ” This variety is less affected by the JNO virus compared to the classic varietynotes Philippe de Chiron. This trait is controlled by the Bdv2 gene, which specializes in strong resistance to the virus. Varieties research is working on obtaining a new resistant wheat that will arrive in the near future. » RGT Tweeteo shows productivity deficit in sanitary conditions compared to the best traditional references. A second set of wheat Tolerant to JNO It should be registered this fall in France. In the UK, the RGT Wolverine cultivar also shows this resistance. ” In low to medium stress, this variety is particularly interesting for plots far from agricultural holdings to avoid insecticide interventions or late re-intervention against aphid vectors. JNO “, confirms Damien Rousseau, responsible for evaluating grain varieties at Vivicia.

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The effect of JNO on wheat Tender is lower than winter barley, but can be significant if sown very early, exceeding 10 quintals per hectare yield loss. Philippe de Chiron further notes that in wheat Classics, specific varieties” Hold a little more » More than others compared to JNO like LG Absalon and Chevignon compared to RGT Cesario, Unik and KWS Extase, ” Which is somewhat sensitive. »

Mosaic resistance is important in the central region

there resistance to Varieties to wheat Tend to complex mosaic This is important in some areas affected by this disease, especially in the central region. ” Every year, new varieties with this characteristic are registered. The width of the items seems sufficient for this challenge with a good level of performance “, Judge Philippe de Chiron.” We start observing mosaic In some of the sectors covered by our cooperative (Tardinois, Northern Ardennes, Baroa, etc.) with an impact that can be significant on productivity and stunted areas that can be clearly seen in the field“, notes Damien Russo. Of the thirty Varieties In our group, we have seven with this resistance. Many novelties in multiplication introduce this character. ” in wheat Resistance fighters and mill workers, Arvalles cites KWS Sphere, SY Admiration, KWS Ultim, SU Hycardi, RGT Luxeo, RGT Letsgo, Pondor…

Stopping orange midges is hereditary

Yellow and orange, there are two types Midges. Subordinate Varieties to wheat It is served with resistance To orange midges, which are the most influential of the two types of midges. ” This resistance works well with many registered varieties. It is safe for areas with Midge “, confirms Philippe de Chiron. ” These insects can be found almost everywhere, but especially in valley areas. Farmers are looking for Varieties Tolerant to this pest. We offer about ten in our collection “, specifies Damian Rousseau.

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In Arvalis in Lorraine and Barrois, Pauline Mangin highlights a few things Varieties For sectors at risk Midge Orange: Garfield, Ténor, RGT Lexio, SY Admiration, SY Adoration and for news: Celebrity, Prestance, and Space. the Midges “Yellow appears to be more abundant than orange in the spring of 2024.” There are fewer orange midges, perhaps thanks to resistance of varieties in the fields. But are yellow midges replacing them? “, asks Philippe de Chiron. However, there is no variety resistant to it Midge yellow.

Just over a quarter of the varieties are foot-resistant

the foot It is found in the soil of many plots, with years sometimes being very favorable for the expression of this disease (such as 2023) and fungicide treatments are far from being 100% effective. ” there resistance The Pch1 gene works very well against this pathogen“, confirms Philippe de Chiron. Even if it's monogenic, that is resistance Shows lasting effect. “Unfortunately, wheat Resistance fighters do not rush to the gate: about thirty out of a little over a hundred Varieties Referenced by Arvalis. ” Varieties with this resistance character are increasing in new releases “, confirms the Arvalis specialist.

There are risky situations foot : High proportion of straw grains in crop rotation, suitable soil types, moderate and humid climate, etc. Varieties The most notable ones are Arvalis: KWS Sphere, SY Admiration, Intensity, RGT Luxeo, KWS Ultim, Gerry, Prestance, Pondor, LG Absalon, LG Arlety…

Chlortoluron resistance is essential for weeding in the fall

there tolerance Chlorotoluron is approximately circulated among Varieties Of soft wheat but be careful, there are still some sensitive types. ” This tolerance trait seems very important at a time when farmers have fewer and fewer herbicide molecules to control weeds in the fall. “, specifies Philippe de Chiron. There resistance The variety containing chlortoluron is essential in sectors or situations with high turf pressure.

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Samantha Arnold

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