BGH explains: Pocket wheel calculators are also taboo

BGH explains
Pocket calculators on the wheel are also taboo

Anyone who uses their mobile phone behind the wheel is in danger. This also applies to other electronic devices. For example, for a conventional pocket calculator.

While driving, keep your hands away from your mobile phone. Anyone with a hand held mobile phone should expect fines, points and driving bans. But drivers are also not permitted to use the calculator while driving. The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) has now clarified this for a traditional pocket calculator. Karlsruhe judges announced this.

The driver in the selected case will now have to pay a fine. A real estate agent was arrested behind the wheel in 2018 with a calculator in hand. Wanted to calculate commission for an upcoming customer appointment (Az .: 4 StR 526/19).

It is safe to put both hands on the steering wheel

The legal basis for the decision is the amendment of the Road Traffic Regulations from 2017. Until then, the use of cell phones and car phones only while driving was expressly prohibited. The new regulation extended the ban to all electronic devices used in communications, information and regulation. Consumer electronics and navigation devices are also included. The driver may only use it if it is not carried or carried by hand. Even in this case, the driver may not take his eyes off the traffic for a short time or must use voice control. The corresponding regulation aims to ensure that the driver of the car has both hands free to perform a “driving mission” even when using a mobile phone.

It was not clear if the calculator was also included in the list. Hamm Regional High Court had requested the BGH because the courts did not agree. The broker, who not only had a computer but was traveling very fast, was fined € 147.50 by the Lippstadt District Court in Westphalia.

It is always safe to put both hands on the steering wheel. Any operation of communication devices disturbs focus. According to a study by a British institute, the response time is longer than 2.5 seconds when drivers use a smartwatch in their car, for example. This means that they react more slowly than using a smartphone (about 1.85 seconds).

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Brooke Vargas

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