A year after the creation of a regional agency for guidance, progress and ambiguity

The Vice President (LR), in charge of Training and Skills, within the Regional Council of Normandy, David Margaret keeps in mind the beginnings of the Normandy mentoring agency.

In what state of mind was the regional guidance agency created a year ago?

David Margaret: “During 2019, we thought about how we would implement in the region the legislative development that transferred to us the jurisdiction of information about trade and orientation. We have connected all partners during the induction assessment processes.

At the end of this reflection, a three-priority business policy is defined. The first word is professional indulgence. This means that brochures and forums are not enough, and young people must be allowed to be confronted with careers, especially with the increase in exploration courses.

The other message is to remove the drama, by saying that you do not choose a profession for your whole life, and that you can change it. Finally, localization is essential, with the goal of having agents in all regions. “

How would you rate his results?

The agency was created a month before the health crisis. The orientation exhibition we organized at that time gathered more than 30,000 people (Editor’s note; over three days) in Rouen. It was really an immersion in virtual reality, demonstrations, and a model of what we want to do.

We have also launched the idea of ​​business ambassadors within the professional branches so that they commit to participate in these procedures and young people can speak to a professional. A company, which tells us it has hiring problems, should logically follow this approach. We also try to collect good ideas like the Evro steering bus. “

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Isn’t the temptation great to align orientation with local recruitment, to transform itself into an employment agency?

“A balance is struck between professional integration and personal expectations. Of course, we have to highlight the deals for which there is demand. We are not logic of sufficiency, but the logic of developing sectors that employ. In Assises de Orientation, for example, I am struck by the number of people who said they chose Their way through their third year training period. These trainings should be doubled so that they are not chosen either by default or via the network. “

The district’s competence in this field is information on orientation, not correct orientation. The predicate is accurate and does not help with clarity …

“It is indeed the limit of law. We have not reached the end of logic as we are developing on the hill line. (… / …) Perhaps the legislator should go further, with a clearer unit of guidance. It is true that there is ambiguity in the advisory role. Then when I see national education still organizing an exhibition show when it is no longer its responsibility at all, it is because it is not clear to everyone yet. “

What are the priorities for the second year of the agency’s existence?

First, publish a network of professionals and sign employment contracts with municipal authorities. They will allow agents to provide first-level advice, as close to the regions as possible. The other priority is getting as many companies as possible to sign, across the country, so that they can commit to talking about their jobs. “

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Frank Mccarthy

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