Artificial intelligence enhancement of the Leipzig music track

Notenspur Leipzig eV

The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) awarded the project idea “with Toni on Tour – Comprehensive cultural engagement through AI-assisted image recognition”. In the project, Leipzig-based Media Seasons GbR combines its innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) with Leipzig’s Notenspur innovation in culture. Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Hill At the award, he emphasized his ministry’s motivation to announce the competition: “We want to create social progress out of technical progress. We have to think about solutions from a people’s perspective, not just in terms of technical feasibility, so that the advantages of AI not only benefit a few people, but many people. ”

Clemens Schulke, The Acting Head of the Department of Economics, Labor and Digital in Leipzig is pleased that the cooperation began with funding starting with the digital administration to formulate the idea of ​​the project: “The Notes Track is a beacon for the tourism scene in Saxony. It makes the cultural diversity of Leipzig tangible digitally. “It acts as a creative catalyst. This close and fruitful link between IT and the creative industries can be seen again in this example from Media Seasons GbR.” Mayor of Culture Scady Genie He asserts: “The collaboration between Notenspur and Media Seasons is a successful example of new possibilities in the cultural sector through the use of artificial intelligence. Projects become more diverse through different perspectives and methods, and thus can attract different people. I welcome it very much when cultural actors get into Our city is in new collaborations and they are using the possibilities of digitization.The excellent project idea from Notenspur and Media Seasons demonstrates that cultural learning can and should be fun. ”

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BMAS Leipziger Notenspur and Media Seasons prize money enables the development of an eligible project application that utilizes the strengths of its two project partners.

Since this year, Leipziger Notenspur has been a part of national and international advertising along with Semperoper Dresden and Gewandhaus zu Leipzig as the flagship project of musical culture for the travel destination of Saxony. An expert analysis commissioned by Tourismus Marketing Gesellschaft Sachsen mbH showed that the degree pathway meets the needs of family-oriented, tech-savvy city explorers well, and thus can respond to the fastest growing environment of the future.

The BMAS decision was reinforced by the fact that Leipziger Notenspur is now also promoting projects in the North and South Leipzig coal region. Notenspur geht ins Revier keeps pace with structural change through voluntary cultural commitment and connects many small activities with an entire district delineation project. Louisa Hatzler, In charge of the music track for the “Cultural Education and Social Integration” project area, says: “I am delighted that we won the“ Tony on Tour ”award and that our idea is to make music history with the help of artificial intelligence for families, classrooms and new target groups to revive life in rural areas as well. Who convinced the jury! ”

Media Seasons is a pioneer in AI image recognition, which, for example, is used in analyzing large sporting events. In the collaboration project, these new digital capabilities will be used to recognize stainless steel inlays for the music track, so that virtual content can be linked to reality in an urban space and the music history of Leipzig comes to life for users. By including game content and with the help of Toni, the musical mascot, there are creative ways to make the music track’s content and concerns appealing to a younger audience. Stephen Klinky And Ronnie Berkersroda, Managing Director of Media Seasons, is proud to work on this culturally interesting project in her hometown: “It gives us great pleasure that companies and associations in the local area recognize the public good. This shows us that the federal government, the city, civil society actors and corporations can work together. To implement innovative projects that take different perspectives into consideration and enable many parts of the population to participate in the cultural values ​​of our society. “

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Notenspur initiator, Werner Schneider looks at the next steps in the development of the project: “I am curious to know what will happen when we combine our natural and artificial intelligence. We have to change our way of thinking and not think about how to use the new technological possibilities of what we have already done so far, But how can we use the new technical possibilities to open up new content and tell new stories that will make our great musical heritage for the future, keeping generations alive?

Frank Mccarthy

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