PS4 bug can affect your console and games

A PS4 user complained that he could no longer access his games. The reason was simple: if your CMOS battery fails, you risk losing access to your catalog. Here are some tips to avoid this.

This news was posted at 7 p.m. to provide details regarding the possibility of fixing this bug, and the infinite nature of losing access to games.

Maybe this is the bad news for the weekend. Your PS4 might shut down for good someday, The error is in the internal clock battery of the controller that has only a limited life.

But above all, according to the hacker Lance MacDonaldHowever, your library might be inaccessible. even if You will take the greatest care, The battery of this internal watch can shut off and it is essential for your console and access to your games, the company’s goal is to prevent you from cheating Get access to the various awards you have won.

He himself explains:

Prizes on the PS4 require an internal clock that you cannot see or change to function.

Thanks to this method, players are unable to change the date and time on their PS4, to make it seem like they got their trophies earlier than they really are.

For simplicity, If the battery of this watch dies, all of your games die with it. This concerns Both physical and digital games.

to me MacDonaldSony has the means Easily solve this problem by posting an update, But he doubts the company will take time to do so, because It is completely focused on the PS5.

At this time, we cannot confirm or deny his claims. Also, as a precaution, we cannot recommend enough to take it Back up your data in the cloud If you have a PlayStation Plus subscription.

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However, many netizens have made it clear that to fix this error, Simply change the battery and re-sync your account with PSN. As long as the latter is present, the risk of losing everything is very limited …

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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