Best apps to customize Android

At the dawn of smartphones, a decade ago, the differences between Android and iOS were huge. One, the first, made of Freedom to customize Its main strength, the other, on the contrary, is left to the user Minimal customization possibilities user interface.

Ten years later, the challenge between Android and iOS still remains, but over time, Apple’s operating system has caused nice deviations in the direction of Android (think of widget), which has always remained true to itself in terms of the freedom to configure the user interface and install applications that allow you to customize Android according to your tastes and needs.

between launcher of every kind widgetAnd the on him From icons and more, Android is the Paradise Among all those who like to leave their own mark on the virtual environment that is used daily. However, sometimes, all the freedom of an Android smartphone ends up confusing someone, dazzled and confused by the many apps to customize Android on the Google Play Store and in other virtual stores from which to draw, in many cases. sometimes Free.

So let’s slow down and try to find out the best apps to customize Android.

Best launchers to customize Android

On Android, the so-called “launcher“They are applications that manage some of the basic functions of the user interface, such as the home button. Through the launchers, you can also manage wallpapers and other graphic details.

For a long time, launchers were the most used apps to customize Android, because they introduced a “bundle” of changes that were all compatible with each other.

Nova Launcher It is probably the best known launcher for Android customization ever. Once you download – it’s free – at first, you can also be disappointed: in the factory configuration it is very minimal and necessary and looks very similar to the Android launcher.

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But the real strength of Nova Launcher lies in its power Maximum customization possibilitiesAnd to notice it just open Settings. After the initial configuration, with a long touch on the background and then on the sound Settings It highlights the amount of parameters and aspects one can work towards sew on yourself Your interface: those for the home screen, for the applications menu, for the dock bar, or for changing the appearance of the launcher.

True, the Prime version 4.50 euros is required to change all parameters, but already with the free version you get an important wiggle room: visibility is believable.

Material design is the main concept of summarizing in a nutshell Action Launcher, is among the most popular apps for Android customization. The free version already hints at what Action Launcher can do, but with the Plus version of 4.99 euros, you can get selective authorization by making the most of the additional features.

Also Microsoft Develop his own launcher for every Male appearance. After trying Windows Mobile, they at Redmond preferred to focus on an ecosystem that for several years also included a launcher for Android, much appreciated by Play Store customers.

It’s free and there is no paid version, so you can take advantage of it right away Microsoft launcher It can offer: Not only is it a simple customization of one’s everyday virtual environment, but it’s about deep integration with Microsoft services like the Office suite, which are usually highly regarded by those who use them regularly.

Best widgets to customize Android

android widget

Unlike launchers, which annoy a large part of the Android user interface, i widget They are small apps that add specific features.

By installing a widget, the user can always have some functionality or information at hand, such as weather, clock, stock prices.

The tool is pre-installed on all Google Pixel smartphones and only on them Quick overviewOne of the most famous in the world. Thanks to the stubborn work of the network and the developer, the same wigdet can now be installed on any Android smartphone. About the fact that it is available on the Play Store Another tool, the perfect and somewhat improved version of Google’s At a Glance.

Another tool, like Quick Glance, is File dynamic widget Which displays a series of useful information such as date, climate, upcoming appointments and, if necessary, the most important notifications. They all have a welcome simplified footprint and great intelligence in always suggesting the most relevant information. His proactive activity has attracted renegades, to be prosecuted.

excess It is among the most accurate weather tools developed for Android, thanks to the fact that its information is the result of a combination of data from popular services such as AccuWeather, DarkSky, and WeatherBit. Overdrop’s weather forecast comes after 7 days, and in its paid version it offers more than 50 widgets with different styles.

I know Keep in mind the things to do became difficult, TickTick And its widget can be the perfect solution to a common problem. TickTick is a cross-platform app that helps keep activities in mind without any memory effort, and offers the ability to sync everything tagged to the cloud in order to find it on a second smartphone (even iOS) or on your PC. Using TickTick is very intuitive and even so with the widget for Android smartphones.

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Flipboard it’s a service collector Which collects in one place news, popular stories and information in general about a book of topics or sentiments. Inside it, you can actually select different categories like technology, sports, travel, etc. so – even with the help of the built-in tool – just a glance so you don’t miss out on the latest news.

Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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