The new trailer introduces us to Abby’s tools

Among the championsSpring Gallery at the Epic Games Store This evening we find too Oddworld Soulstorm, A new chapter in the popular series that has made a comeback with a short trailer full of gameplay sequences.

The video, which lasts about a minute, allows you to get a look at what an a tool Presented to the hero. In the context of the video, we can actually see how Abe is able to use water bombs to put out flames, flashlights to ward off dangerous flying creatures and release a rubber band to trap certain types of enemies. You can also see a file inventory, As there are at least twelve different organisms. In the final sequence we also find a small novelty dedicated to stealthilyThe character can hide in lockers to prevent guards from noticing their presence.

Before we leave you to watch the new trailer, we remind you that the game will arrive within Spring 2021 Exclusively on Playstation 4And the PlayStation 5 H PC (Only on the Epic Games Store). Speaking of Sony’s console, did you know Oddworld Soulstorm will support 3D audio on PlayStation 5?

Don’t forget to check out the new spring sales on the Epic Games Store.

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Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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