BNA launches its first mobile payment app

On Thursday, the National Bank of Algeria launched the first mobile payment application in Algeria, which relies on the smart barcode “QR CODE”.


This new solution called “Wimpay-BNA”, which targets individuals, professionals and merchants, can be used on smartphones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and anywhere, including from abroad, for transfers in dinars to another application user.

It provides BNA clients with many functions such as smart barcode payment transactions, transfers between users of this application, sending request for funds to another user, budget management and consultation with balance and history of transactions executed.

For businesses, the app provides the ability to accept payment transactions based on smart barcodes in service restoration, manage vendors and points of sale, and consult their activities.

This is the solution that “contributes to the acceleration of financial inclusion,” said Minister of Finance Amin Ben Abd al-Rahman during the opening ceremony that was held at the International Conference Center in Algeria.

According to the minister, this application is “in line” with the strategy of the public authorities in terms of “developing electronic and remote banking services and diversifying distribution channels.”

On this occasion, the Minister encouraged banks operating in Algeria to multiply this type of innovative initiatives and products.

For his part, CEO of Banna, Miloud Farahta, announced that this new application is part of this public bank’s strategy to modernize and diversify its products and services by providing “innovative and safe solutions to customers.”

Mr. Farhata also announced that the National Electricity Agency is preparing to launch other services “in the coming days,” citing the establishment of the “Islamic Commercial International Bank” card as well as the first “CIB prepaid card”, in addition to the launch of seven new digital agencies before the end of March in Boumerdes, Bouira. Mostaganem, Staoueli, Dar Al Bayda, Annaba, Kaifan (Tlemcen), to reach 20 spaces.

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The African National Bank is also planning to launch a new saving formula for individuals, “Epargne Plus”, as well as a new product dedicated to personal finance called “Ijara Akaria Tamlikia”, thus carrying a range of Islamic finance products. To ten. This product will be available to bank customers as Ramadan approaches.

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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