Bouygues Telecom has launched its own mobile application to help you reduce your carbon footprint

Bouygues Telecom has launched its own mobile application to help you reduce your carbon footprint

Are you a good student when it comes to your carbon footprint? Bouygues Telecom helps you see more clearly and do a better job thanks to the mobile application also directed to subscribers of other operators.

“Together, let’s act so digital technology is positive for our planet”. The My Footprint smartphone app, provided by Bouygues Telecom, aims to help users reduce carbon dioxide emissions and their impact on the planet. It is intended for Bouygues Telecom subscribers, but also for Orange, Free Mobile or SFR. We also installed it on a smartphone with a free mobile SIM card.

From the home page, it is possible to access:

  • The effect of the month in relation to its goal (editable in the progress section) and the community
  • The division between using Wi-Fi and using 4G / 5G
  • Carbon footprint distribution between Wi-Fi and 4G/5G
  • Carbon footprint equation (in minutes for an LED or in meters for a car, in other cases)
  • The evolution of these emissions (week, month, year).

All in a very practical and intuitive widget-style interface.

The bottom of the interface indicates a section of environmental gesture tips presented in a circle display (prefer Wi-Fi, slow-motion videos, remove redundant things from the cloud, control connection time, etc.), a tutorial displayed in a carousel (which Offered at first startup) and to Bouygues Telecom solutions (mobile phone recovery, refurbished mobile phone sale and smartphone repair). You will also be able to answer a questionnaire about your experience and make suggestions to improve the app.

Note that it will be necessary to verify some licenses to allow the application to run.

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My Smartphone Footprint app is available for Android users through Google Play Store and for iPhone owners through Apple App Store. The Share button at the top right allows you to invite family and friends to install the app via a customizable message sent by SMS, email, message, or social network with a link.

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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